
Grant Recipient


Student Representative

Rhett Bradford

Grant Amount


Year Received


Charity: Water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water into developing countries. There are 785 million people in the world living without clean water. This amazing nonprofit is working hard to bring access to clean and safe water to communities that do not have access to clean water. In the 14 years they have been in existence, Charity:Water has funded 51,438 water projects. In addition to providing clean water, the organization is committed to sustainable, impactful programming on the ground. Each of their projects has a plan in place so that local stakeholders can make sure that water flows long after installation. They invest in forming strong water committees, partnering with local government, and training mechanics to perform repairs.

Rhett Bradford applied for a $10,000 dollar grant that would build a well for a whole village. This well would supply them with clean water and hope for a better future. The implementation for the project is 21 months and Charity:Water provides pictures and GPS coordinates to the donor during the process.

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